Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rolltop Desk

My parents bought this antique rolltop desk several years ago and I thought it would be a fun prop to model. It's a relatively complex piece of furniture and I wanted the model to be as adjustable as possible. This was my first time using 3DS Max's Path Deform modifier, and it worked like a charm for the desk's namesake rolltop door, or "tambour."

om nom nom

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thesis Art

This is some more art from my 2011 thesis show. Above is a movie poster made for my animated short film, Ascension. I wanted to have a little fun with the design of the poster, so the character has the clichéd, back-to-the-camera pose, and the overall feel of the poster is perhaps a little more serious than the film itself. It also wouldn't be a legitimate movie poster if there wasn't an abundance of blue and orange.

Below is an image I had printed several feet wide, that showcases the three main scenes in the film. Each third of the image is a wide shot of each scene, which I blended them together at the seams to create one continuous picture. In the bottom left, you can see the film's main character, and in the top right is the mountain peak that he eventually climbs atop.